Benefits of celery leaves and drank a lot that turned out for the body

Plant the leaves of celery, surely we know this one plant. But it is still not many people know what are the benefits of the celery plant. From most of us, celery is used to make soup or as one of the seasonings.

Celery has been known since long, but as plants are not known for sure. Celery goes into Indonesia through the Netherlands people since the colonial era. Celery was used only as a flavoring soup. And therefore the people of Indonesia gave the nickname of this term with celery leaf soup.

In addition to celery turns cuisine also has many benefits for the health of our body. Who would have thought, was indeed behind the textured green leaves and has great benefits contained therein. Existing content in the leaves of celery is even able to survive up to 80% after it is cooked.

The Celery Apium graveolens in Latin language contains many vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K, as well as other content such as amino acids, boron, calcium, chlorine, essential fatty acids, inositol,, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sulfur, and zinc.

With a large number of existing content on the celery can be used to prevent or treat some diseases. For more details check out some of the benefits of celery leaves for health:

1. Celery leaves to treat high blood pressure
Celery contains natural organic sodium as salt which is very safe for consumption and also very important for the health of the body. People who experience high blood pressure or hypertension can consume celery, celery because it contains sodium is good for your body.

By consuming celery plants routinely pressure in the blood can be stabilized again, and the body will be healthier with a smooth blood circulation.

2. Leaves of celery to lower levels of Kolestor in the blood
The amount of cholesterol in our body should be limited. The number of uncontrolled can eventually result in a buildup and blockage of blood vessels. In our clogged vessels then later can invite a lot of diseases.

Well, one of the natural remedies you can use celery leaves for alternative treatment. The trick with the mashing of celery more or less as much as 100 grams until smooth, then cook with 100 ml of water until done. chill and then drink 2 times a day.

3. Leaves of Celery to treat Anemia
If you feel a headache all day, then it could be that you have anemia or blood a shortage of. Other symptoms that you would naturally include the body becomes weak, lethargic, weak and limp. To solve it you need to do is make the juice of celery, you can add milk or honey. Drink twice a day.

4. Celery leaves to treat dry eye
Dry eye is one disease that attacks the eye that can cause irritation to the eyes. How to address the problem of dry eye can and with the addition of celery and herb leaves kelor and spinach leaves.

How by mashing the ingredients until smooth and the third plus a little salt. Then wring it out and then taken to the water filter. Drink regularly and regularly 3 times a day.

5. Celery leaves for treating Rheumatism
Of course, we are familiar with this name. Rheumatic diseases cause pain caused due to the inflammation and swelling in the joints or muscles. You can use celery to treat rheumatism.

Here's how easy enough i.e make it a habit of eating the celery, can be made of vegetables or made fresh vegetables. Do as often as possible to the healing process.

6. Celery leaves to treat coughs
A cough can strike anyone and anywhere. Well, to cure a cough you could use celery leaves as a cure. Do I boil celery leaves as many as 30 grams with maximum water to taste 3 cups water until boiling, then filter the water. Add honey and drink the water at least twice a day.

7. Celery leaves To nourish hair
For those of you who want to have a healthy, thick hair can use celery as the alternative. Do I take the 7-10 stalk celery leaves and wash to clean. Afterward, mash until smooth. Then flatten the results of collisions are celery leaves into the scalp and also hair while massaged lighter. Then let stand more or less for 1 hour, then rinse with clean water. Do the same way at least once a week.

That is partly for the health benefits of celery leaves the body. Besides that, it turns out celery leaves no good too if consumed by some people. Including by those who have a sensitive stomach or sensitive.Celery leaves because there is a high fiber content, then preferably not consumed by them, in a case of irritation should consuming celery is stopped.

Then in celery seed which many contain content of essential oil, flavonoids, coumarins and linoleic acid as well. It's no good consumed for pregnant women because it can cause contractions in the uterus.

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