10 Tips and how to choose foods that are healthy and good for the body

Healthy food – in an era of modernization of this rare started healthy food because lots of fast food that is circulating in the world. Because fast food is actually less good for human health. The current public awareness about healthy living patterns also began to decline.

But around us still lots of healthy foods that are good for our bodies. Here we will share tips and how to select a healthy diet.

The food itself is a very vital thing needed by the human body. In addition to sport healthy food is very helpful to have a healthy body. Here are 10 tips and how to choose a healthy diet:

1. Consumption of foods Containing the nutrient

Nutrition is very important for the body. That's why we have to require a lot of nutrients to get the body healthy. About 40 nutrients must be consumed in order for your body to stay healthy. Not with just enough rice or side dish alone but other nutritious foods that you should be consuming.

2. Vegetables or Foliage

A healthy diet is usually made with vegetables. If you want a healthy body never avoid the food that comes from the leaves because of the food that comes from the leaves it is healthy.

Vegetables contain lots of nutrients and all types of substances that are good for the body. The content there that we can not get from animals, so we strongly need to consume vegetables or foliage.

3. choose Animal Protein for your body

Protein derived from animal protein is also very good for the body as long as you consume it in a normal measure is not redundant.

The meat of animals containing many nutrients and protein which is very good for the body. Existing content in animals there is also that we cannot get from the vegetables, so we are required to consume the meat to supplement the protein needs of our body.

4. Vegetable Assorted Colors

A vegetable variety of color is the right way for you who are choosing a healthy lifestyle or are seeking a variety of food. In addition to making food or vegetables that are interesting to eat its own vegetables contain antioxidants that are good for the body and can prevent chronic disease.

5. Junk Food?

Do you like to eat junk food? May-okay. But you need to know if you eat junk food should make your own. Because junk food made from his own hand is definitely assured hygenist.

6. Wheat bread

Whole wheat bread is one of the foods containing carbohydrates needed by the body and can be as a substitute for rice. The more white the color of wheat bread you eat then the higher benefits to health.

7. use the food is still fresh

If you go to the market or to the supermarket to buy the food ingredients then make sure that the food you buy is still fresh and tasty eaten because if not then it will affect the body and your health. If you choose food that is not fresh so it could be bacteria in the food that you buy that will go on your body if you eat it.

8. Eat Sardines, Salmon Or Tuna fish

Three types of these foods contain high nutrients. Because the omega-3 content or protein in the fish 3 make your body be healthy and three kinds of fish is a healthy food including for the body.

9. Replace Snacks with Fruit Or Vegetable

If you often buy snacks, then I recommend that if you want healthier life change snacks that you buy with fruit and vegetable because this food is nutritious in addition of course to nourish the body.

10. Less Micin Or flavor enhancer

The things that make your body healthy one is reducing the flavor enhancer if you're cooking something. Because of the use of excessive flavor enhancer will make a response is not good for health.

Though indeed if cooking food using a flavor enhancer would make it feels to be added. But its effects make you will progressively decrease.

Thank you for visiting and reading 10 tips and how to choose healthy foods from us. Hopefully, the above article can be useful to all of you, especially for mothers who want to prepare a nourishing cuisine to the husband and the son of the beloved

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