The benefits and Efficacy of plant Ciplukan to body

Who is not familiar with the plant on this one? That is Ciplukan, of course, we are not strangers to this plant. A unique name, as well as its presence, can flourish in many places, surely you guys also often find him.

The plant ciplukan is often considered a pest plant by farmers in the rice fields. But unlike in urban areas, the plant ciplukan instead of dollars are traded there. Strange indeed, because the plant ciplukan has great benefits especially for treating various types of disease.

Plant this one very much benefit. Not only the fruits but also in leaves up in the roots can be used as medicine. This ciplukan plants can be aged up to one year and can reach a height of 1 meter. Ciplukan have an upright trunk to the top, rectangular, hollow and green. The leaves are oval and round-shaped ciplukan ends pointy.

Ciplukan flowers usually grow in the underarms and armpits leaves twig tree which ends the nod. Flower petals like a square of five, and three angles tajunya and tapered, green in color with a purplish rib. Crown of flowers ciplukan looks like yellow bells and young. Fruit of the ciplukan wrapped petals bubbled like eggs and yet pointy ends.

I am sure all of you would already know about this ciplukan plant. The following description of the benefits of plant ciplukan. That's where an awful lot of the benefits of the chemical content of the plant ciplukan, following natural deposits can give benefits to health:

The content of Chlorogenic acid
Lemon acid
Vitamin C
Malic acid
The Benefits Are There In Ciplukan Plant

The plant ciplukan is very useful for treating a variety of diseases, including:

1. Can treat the flu

One of the benefits of the improved due to ciplukan leaf can treat someone who is stricken with the flu. The way of manufacture was not tough enough. First, cut leaf ciplukan then boiled with water to a boil. Then drink water stew 3 times a day until healed.

2. Treat strep throat

In addition to treating flu, leaves ciplukan could also be used as a remedy for a sore throat often once attacked the children as well as adults. How drinking water decoction of leaves of ciplukan.

3. Treating gondongan

Gondongan is a condition in which part of the gland below the neck undergoes swelling. Gondongan sufferers will experience pain. Treating gondongan may as well with drinking the decoction of leaves of ciplukan.

4. Treating Pertussis

Pertussis or a whooping cough is usually known as can be appeased with existing content in leaves of ciplukan. Ciplukan leaf content will relieve a cough naturally this gradually, but not back again.

5. Treat diabetes

Other properties are able to treat diabetes. Here's how sufferers simply need to drink the decoction of leaves of ciplukan. Drink regularly for maximum results.

6. Treating bronchitis

We can also treat pain bronchitis with ciplukan. The trick with drinking the decoction of leaves of ciplukan, drink each 2 times a day.

7. Lowering high blood

Other benefits can help lower high blood or hypertension. Here's how to make it by taking the fruits of ciplukan and boiled with water for 10 to 15 minutes while continuing to stir in. Then strain and drink while it is already cold. Drink at least 2 times a day.

8. Treat lung pain

Lung pain can also be treated with the plant ciplukan. Here's how we take all parts of the plant ciplukan, from the roots, leaves, stems, flowers, and also fruit. Then boil all that section to a boil with the water as much as 3-5 glass. After that strain then drinks 3 times a day everyday routine.

9. Treat diseases diabetes mellitus

diabetes mellitus is one of the deadly diseases. And ciplukan can be used to overcome the disease diabetes mellitus. How to prepare the ciplukan plants to bear fruit, boiled with 3 cups of water to boil, wait until the remaining water into 1 Cup. Then strain and drink every 1 time a day.

10. Treat rheumatic diseases

The plant can also ciplukan for cope problems of rheumatic diseases. How to make it by boiling dried fruit ciplukan by as much as 10 grams by using the water as much as 3 cups of water to a boil and left only until half of it away. Then the filter it, then strain and drink 3 times a day half a glass every day.

11. Fight Cancer

According to some research, the health content of steroids in leaves and fruits of ciplukan can help fight and kill malignant cells that grow in the body. It also ciplukan plant extracts that can shrink the tumor size ball of cancer agents.

Generally these plants function:
As an anti-bacterial, antiviral, antihiperlikemi, immunostimulant, the immunosuppressant, bitter taste, analgesic, cytotoxic, antioxidant, soothes coughs, neutralize toxins and reactivate the function body and gland tumors.

It is the remarkable efficacy of plant ciplukan. But most of us have yet to understand its benefits will be, hopefully, with reviews about the efficacy of the plant ciplukan, this could be useful for all of us.

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