Benefits of Dragon Fruit red

In the article this time we will invite you to discuss a wide range of benefits of Dragon Fruit red that has lots of benefits for health. Fruit shape is typical of this match is consumed by all ages, various nutrients contained in this fruit is good for the health of infants, toddlers, children, and adults and the elderly. Dragon fruit is a fruit which is originally from Mexico, Central America, and named the Pitaya. While the Dragon's name or "dragon" is derived from the beliefs of the Viet Nam considers that the fruit is extremely endowed and they always put this fruit in between two statues of dragons.

Dragon fruit is rich in nutrients, other than vitamins, rich fruit is also rich in unsaturated fats that are essential for the body (instead of saturated fats that should be avoided). The fiber in the fruit has great benefits for digestion and regulate blood sugar levels. While at the black seeds contain essential fatty acid in large quantities. Substances this is what makes Dragon fruit is very good for the health of the body, so it is very suitable to be consumed daily, just like an Apple.

The benefits of Dragon Fruit is red to prevent disease
There are four types of Dragon fruit Dragon fruit, two kinds of red meat with skin colored pink or red, and two types of Dragon fruit flesh is white with a red or yellow color. The four kinds of Dragon fruit basically alike have amazing benefits for health care, it's just that between each slightly different levels of his nutritional content. Then what are the efficacy and benefits of this red dragon fruit?

1. Prevent Cancer
Dangerous diseases including cancer disease which is very difficult to cure. Maxim said it is better to prevent than cure. Well, you could have attempted to prevent cancer by routine way of consuming this red dragon fruit. This fruit is very rich in vitamin C which is one of the main antioxidants, capable of preventing the destruction of cells/DNA induced by free radicals, which is one of the origins of the occurrence of cancer. Per 100 grams of the fruit can meet the 20% of the daily vitamin C needs, whereas a dragon fruit typically weighs about 400 grams or 0.4 kg.

2. Good for the heart
The benefits of Red Dragon fruit is the next to maintain heart health. Dragon fruit has the benefits of lowering the amount of bad cholesterol and increasing the amount of good cholesterol in the body. In addition, the content of Phytochemicals Captin in the fruit is excellent for maintaining heart health. As information, the substance normally used for Captin Phytochemicals treatment of heart problems, and on this fruit, you can get it naturally. If you have a tendency of high blood pressure or heart problems, try to eat this fruit regularly.

3. Preventing and Overcoming Diabetes
Although the red fruits contain sugar, due to the levels of fiber in the fruit is very high so it is still useful to prevent and cope with diabetes. Fiber content as long as it is better known for waging a digestion, but there are other important functions as regulator and control blood sugar levels. Vitamin B3 which pretty much also can help prevent and cope with diabetes, especially type 1 and 2, which is a type of diabetes that occurs most often.

4. Maintaining Bone Health
Benefits of Dragon fruit the next is to maintain bone health. This fruit contains calcium in amounts that are not too much, just sufficient for daily requirement of 1% every 100 grams of fruit, compared to 18% of the daily requirement per 100 grams of milk. However, this fruit contains iron deposits in the amount of the fair. Keep in mind that iron is also quite important to bone health. In 100 grams of the fruit, there is 8% of the daily requirement of iron.

5. Maintain Eye Health
Dragon fruit is quite effective for maintaining eye health. The content of beta-carotene contained in Red Dragon fruit is very beneficial for the eyes. Therefore Dragon fruit can you make alternative food choices for maintaining eye health if you are bored with carrots or types of food sources of beta-carotene among others. You can eat the fruit directly or by first being processed fruit juice.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit is red to other health
In addition to having many benefits to prevent disease, the Red Dragon fruit still has benefits for the health of others. The above mentioned that the antioxidants in fruit it can prevent cancer, but actually that's not alone. Antioxidants derived from vitamin C may increase the immune system or the immune system as a whole so that you do not easily hurt. Avidly consume these berries will make your rarely exposed to a mild range of ills flu, cough, sore throat, mouth ulcers, and more.

Then the seeds of this fruit are very rich in essential fatty acids. This type of fatty acids is hard enough, most usually found in fish oil, then the oil from seeds. Why is called essential? because of this fatty acid is very important for the body, which is an absolute necessity for the met. These nutrients essential health needs of the body at the cellular level. to get these essential fatty acids that you need to consider is the need to consume the fruit this way in juice or in a blender because our digestive system is unable to destroy the seeds of the fruit by itself.

The benefits of Red Dragon Fruit to your Diet
For those of you who are currently or are planning to do a diet program, the Red Dragon fruit turns out to include a nice fruit to the diet, suitable for a weight loss program. The fruit is rich in nutrients that can help meet your daily nutrient intake for diet. Then the fruit is a very little content of calories, only about 10% of the content of this fruit which is a carbohydrate. For every 100 grams, this fruit only meets the needs of daily carbohydrates as much as 3%. Very little isn't it?

The next thing that can help weight loss diet program is the fiber in the fruit. Fiber will help facilitate digestion, food absorption of nutrients helps with more optimal. When the diet you will consume less food, but of course it is important to meet the needs of the daily nutrition. This is where the importance of the digestive system that can work smoothly.

Well, that last is our explanations about a range of benefits for the health of the Red Dragon fruit body. So once you know the facts which we have mentioned above, it's good if started now you enter the Red Dragon fruit into the healthy eating menu list you every day. With a typical but tasty and refreshing as well, guaranteed you will love this fruit. Hope this article is useful. Thank you.

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